Hideyuki Matsumoto


Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica (2009)Jobs: Creature Design | World Design: Total Design | Field Map Design | Dungeon Design | Field Map Detail
Front Mission 5: Scars of the War (2005)Jobs: Wanzer Designs | Concept Art
Front Mission 4 (2004)Jobs: Designers
Shadow Tower: Abyss (2003)Jobs: Design Section
Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit (2003)Jobs: Production Dept. - Design Section
Armored Core 3 (2002)Jobs: Design Section
Xenosaga: Episode I - Der Wille zur Macht (2002)Jobs: 2nd Unit Production Designers
The Bouncer (2001)Jobs: Background Designers
Final Fantasy IX (2000)Jobs: CG Designers | Field Map Graphics
Final Fantasy VII (1997)Jobs: Battle Stage Designers | Graphic Designer