Ryan McBride


Bolt (2008)Jobs: Avalanche Software
Meet the Robinsons (2007)Jobs: Avalanche Software
Disney's Chicken Little (2005)Jobs: Avalanche Software
Tak: The Great Juju Challenge (2005)Jobs: Avalanche Software
Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams (2004)Jobs: Avalanche Software
Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams (2004)Jobs: Avalanche Software
Hot Wheels: Velocity X (2002)Jobs: GameCube Lead Programmer
Motor Mayhem (2001)Jobs: Tools Programmers
ECW Anarchy Rulz (2000)Jobs: Programming
WWF War Zone (1998)Jobs: QA Team
NHL Breakaway 99 (1998)Jobs: Quality control
NHL Breakaway 98 (1998)Jobs: Quality control
All-Star Baseball 99 (1998)Jobs: Special Thanks
Mortal Kombat 3 (1995)Jobs: People Paid To Play This Game
WWF WrestleMania (1995)Jobs: Testing Dudes
Mortal Kombat 3 (1995)Jobs: Playtesting