David Crane


March of the Penguins (2006)Jobs: Game Design and Character Simulation | Level Layout
Activision Anthology (2002)Jobs: An Incredibly Huge Thanks to
Night Trap (1994)Jobs: Original Programming
Night Trap (1994)Jobs: Original Programming
Toys (1993)Jobs: Design | Produced by | Concept
Toys (1993)Jobs: Design | Concept | Produced by
David Crane's Amazing Tennis (1992)Jobs: Programming by | Design by
Night Trap (1992)Jobs: Original Programming
David Crane's Amazing Tennis (1992)Jobs: Programming | Design
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World (1991)Jobs: Additional Programming and Design
Super Skateboardin' (1988)Jobs: Design | Program
Skate Boardin' (1987)Jobs: Programmed
Hacker (1986)Jobs: Special thanks to
The Transformers: Battle to Save the Earth (1986)Jobs: Designed by | Background Graphics and Animation
Little Computer People (1986)Jobs: Original concept by
Little Computer People (1986)Jobs: Original concept by
Hacker (1985)Jobs: Special thanks to
Hacker (1985)Jobs: Special thanks to
Hacker (1985)Jobs: Special thanks to
Ghostbusters (1985)Jobs: Belarus | Concept and Design by
Ghostbusters (1984)Jobs: Original game by
Pitfall! (1984)Jobs: Belarus
Pitfall! (1984)Jobs: Designed
Pitfall! (1984)Jobs: Program | Design
The Activision Decathlon (1983)Jobs: Programmer | Designer
Grand Prix (1982)Jobs: Conceived and designed by
Barnstorming (1982)Jobs: Special thanks for his help in getting me off the ground to
Pitfall! (1982)Jobs: Conceived and designed by | Programmer
Pitfall! (1982)Jobs: Conceived and designed by
Freeway (1981)Jobs: Conceived and designed by
Kaboom! (1981)Jobs: Graphics
Laser Blast (1981)Jobs: Conceived and designed by
Fishing Derby (1980)Jobs: Conceived and designed by
Dragster (1980)Jobs: Conceived and designed by
Slot Machine (1979)Jobs: Programmed by
Canyon Bomber (1978)Jobs: Programmer
Outlaw (1978)Jobs: Program