Christopher Willis


Lighthouse: The Dark Being (1996)Jobs: 3D Studio Artists and Animators
Lighthouse: The Dark Being (1996)Jobs: 3D Studio Animators | 3D Studio Artists
Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier (1995)Jobs: Additional Animation | Background Art | 3D Rendering and Animation
Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier (1995)Jobs: Graphics / Artwork | Additional Animations
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (1993)Jobs: Backgrounds and Illustrations | Animation
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (1993)Jobs: Character Lip-Syncing (Sierra) | Hi-Res Character Art
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist (1993)Jobs: Additional Animation and Mondo Thanks To
Lost Secret of the Rainforest (1993)Jobs: Graphics / Artwork