Robert V. Daly


Godzilla: Unleashed (2007)Jobs: Executive Producer
A Sound of Thunder (2005)Jobs: Test Manager
Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums (2004)Jobs: Vice President of Product Development
Bujingai: The Forsaken City (2004)Jobs: VP of Product Development
Reign of Fire (2002)Jobs: Publishing Support Group Manager
The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage (2002)Jobs: Publishing Support Manager
Shifters (2002)Jobs: Produzent
Reign of Fire (2002)Jobs: Publishing Support Group Manager
Reign of Fire (2002)Jobs: Publishing Support Group Manager
Vegas Games (2000)Jobs: Produzent
1942 (2000)Jobs: Produzent
Army Men (2000)Jobs: Generals
Army Men 2 (2000)Jobs: Generals
Paperboy (1999)Jobs: Sr. Producer
Knockout Kings (1999)Jobs: Special Thanks
Klax (1999)Jobs: Producers
Centipede (1999)Jobs: Produzent
Olympic Hockey 98 (1998)Jobs: Assistant Game Design
California Speed (1998)Jobs: Good Advice
Mortal Kombat II (1994)Jobs: Special thanks to
Nanotank (1993)Jobs: Puzzle Design and Test
HardBall III (1992)Jobs: Playtesting
Star Control II (1992)Jobs: Assistant Producer | Playtesting
Asteroids (1992)Jobs: Testers
Centipede (1992)Jobs: Tested by
The Duel: Test Drive II (1992)Jobs: Associate Producer
Universal Soldier (1992)Jobs: Playtesting
Missile Command (1992)Jobs: Tested by
Turrican (1991)Jobs: Games Testers
Turrican (1991)Jobs: Game Testers
Turrican (1991)Jobs: Games Testers
Second Front: Germany Turns East (1990)Jobs: Playtesters | Game Development
War of the Lance (1990)Jobs: Playtesters
War of the Lance (1990)Jobs: Playtesters
Curse of the Azure Bonds (1989)Jobs: In House Playtesting
War of the Lance (1989)Jobs: Playtesters
Curse of the Azure Bonds (1989)Jobs: In House Playtesting
Red Lightning (1989)Jobs: Playtesters
Sword of Aragon (1989)Jobs: Playtesters