Jack E. Haeger


Arctic Thunder (2001)Jobs: Thanks for the Help...
Arctic Thunder (2000)Jobs: Thanks for the Help...
CarnEvil (1998)Jobs: Art | Voice Talent | Motion Capture Talent | Based on a Concept By
War Gods (1997)Jobs: Additional Art
NHL Open Ice: 2 On 2 Challenge (1996)Jobs: Graphics | Special Thanks
Revolution X (1995)Jobs: Design | Directed by | Produced by | Graphics
NHL Open Ice: 2 On 2 Challenge (1995)Jobs: Graphics | Goaltender | Skaters | Grunts and Groans
Williams Arcade Classics (1995)Jobs: Artist | Design | Sinistar Design
Revolution X (1995)Jobs: Directed and Produced by | Design and Graphics
Cruis'n USA (1994)Jobs: Special Thanks
Revolution X (1994)Jobs: Cabinet Graphics | Directed by | Vocalizations | Design | Besetzung | Produced by | Graphics | Gun Design
NBA Jam (1993)Jobs: Special Thanks
Mortal Kombat (1993)Jobs: Special thanks to
Mortal Kombat (1992)Jobs: Special thanks to
Super High Impact (1991)Jobs: Special thanks to
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)Jobs: Direktoren | Cabinet Grahpics | Graphics | Hideout Human
Smash T.V. (1990)Jobs: Smash TV Design Team
Trog (1990)Jobs: Game Design | Cabinet Artwork | Artwork & Playmation
NARC (1988)Jobs: Narc Design Team
Sinistar (1982)Jobs: Artist