Ivan Horn


Battlestar Galactica (2003)Jobs: Lead Production Artist
Pitball (1996)Jobs: FMV | League Table
Dennis the Menace (1993)Jobs: Map Design | Mode 7 Design | Background Design | Presentation
The Addams Family (1992)Jobs: Graphics by | Design by
The Addams Family (1992)Jobs: Graphics | Design
Total Recall (1991)Jobs: Graphics
Total Recall (1991)Jobs: Graphics
RoboCop 2 (1990)Jobs: Graphics by
RoboCop 2 (1990)Jobs: Graphics by
Rambo III (1989)Jobs: Graphics
Rambo III (1989)Jobs: Graphics by
Rambo III (1988)Jobs: Graphics
The Vindicator! (1988)Jobs: and assisted by
Operation Wolf (1988)Jobs: Graphics
Rambo III (1988)Jobs: Graphics
Rambo III (1988)Jobs: Graphics
Operation Wolf (1988)Jobs: Graphics
Athena (1987)Jobs: Graphic Design
Boot Camp (1987)Jobs: Graphics
Labyrinthion (1986)Jobs: Graphics
Mega-Bucks (1986)Jobs: Graphics